VIDEO TRANSLATION: "Greetings everyone. Today is the 8th day of the war. You know, there is this feeling that time has stopped. All of your priorities change and what used to be important, isn't anymore. The one thing that encapsulates your mind is for all of this to end as quickly as possible. Yesterday was a really treacherous day, it’s as if you’re in a trance, not knowing what tomorrow holds. But, everyday God is with us, and fills us with positive thoughts, and allows us to focus on serving. I want to say that today, the number of refugees has increased. Early on, only those who had the means, or those who were very freighted, fled the country—but today, people are finding ways to flee by their own accord; trains, busses, calls for help to family and friends. Because of this, we have focused more of our efforts to evacuate those who call and ask for our help. We’re receiving may requests across Ukraine and are doing our best to answer every cry for help. Me and my brothers drove and collected aid, food, and other products to distribute to those that are fleeing. So that’s what’s going on. All glory to God. If it wasn’t for the Lord, I wouldn’t know how we would be able to cope—we probably wouldn’t even be here."